Minecraft Username:
Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846):
Time Zone:
PST West Coast BABY
Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC:
I have had a good expierience and I would like to help the server in any way.
Do you have any experience moderating:
On 2 different servers... sadly they both got hacked and had to be sold...
If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management:
I would help with hackers/cheaters and I would also like to learn in more depth than the other servers that I was on.
How active would you be on the server:
5 or so hours every other day. I have school and strict parents
Any additional comments or concerns:
I really love this server and I hope to make it a better place for all of the players.
Application Denied
Lack of detail and no proof of experience in any way.
Thanks, Oscar - Staff Manager
Currently a Moderator for the Rebel Server Chain!
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