Minecraft Username: CherryLuvz
Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): I dont have discord :( but i have steam if u wana friend me i am Shinca!~
Age: 15
Time Zone: Austrlian Standard
Why would you like to become mod on RebelDupe: because I love helping people and for people to think this is the best server,
What activities do you have outside of videogames I.E Hobbies: Sport, Footy, Soccer, running and skipping.
If you have applied before please list the date of the last application, if not, put N/A: N/A.
How Long Have You Been Playing RebelDupe?: Not so long but I already want staff.
What do you believe you are known for on the server I.E PvP Skills, Toxic Attitude, Kindness ETC: Nice?.
Do you have access to a working Microphone (Yes/No): Yes,
What language/s do you speak fluently?: English.
Do you have any past leadership experiences: Yes, mod builder owner sr.mod jr.mod trial-mod.
SCENARIOS (assume you are helper)
Scenario 1- You log onto the server and are immediately bombarded with questions from users and a player is MSGing you stating that they just saw a default player flying, you are also being DMed on discord by Rebel about one of your recent bans, what do you do?: I say in the Minecraft chat, I'm Busy right now I will look into it after I am done!
Scenario 2- You and a staff member are having a disagreement and they threaten to lie to a higher staff saying that you abused, This is during a VC call and you have no recording software running, what do you do?: I Would start a recording, straight away or dm the owner!
Scenario 3- You catch a developer abusing their powers and is killing users in creative mode, an admin sees it and is laughing and doing nothing about it, what would you do?: I would warn the dev, tell the admin that's not appropriate, and that they should be fixing this!!!!!
Random Questions
What's your favorite color?: Black and Red!
What's your gender?: Female
What's your favorite animal?: Albino WOlf
What hogwarts house do you believe you reside in?: Hogwarts??, well if so Best house :D ReD! Griffindor!
What would you like to see added to RebelDupe?: Nothing to much, its very good they way it is
What do you dislike most about RebelDupe?: NOTHING!
What do you like the most about RebelDupe?: The Design, and how its built and people are happy
Thanks For Reading The staff application,
Kind Regards - Cherrie!
No additinal stuff needed :D <3
I wanna plus 1 but i cant
not enough info / dont have discord
Sorry cherry :<
I feel like this application lacked grammar in certain parts, and information. Other than that, this is an epic application.
How many +1's do i need?
BunkerExplorer i have Grammarly, so my application shouldn't have grammar mistakes,
Either enough for someone to accept you, unless the person that accepts applications thinks you have a good application regardless. For the grammar mistakes, I saw the beginning of some sentences weren't capitalized, and the letter i wasn't capitalized when it needed to be. I'm not the best with grammar but those things I can notice lol.