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over 4 years ago
Staff App


Minecraft Username:GoldSlimeYT

Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): GoldSlime#9959


Time Zone:EST

Why would you like to become mod on RebelDupe : I have loved the server for a while and i want to help out with the server and keep it clean

What activities do you have outside of videogames I.E Hobbies I play trombone

If you have applied before please list the Date of the last application, if not, put N/A: 9/29/2020

How Long Have You Been Playing RebelDupe?:S1 (might not be 100% accurate hower this was when minehut got 1.16)

What do you believe you are known for on the server I.E PvP Skills, Toxic Attitude, Kindess ETC: Not exactly sure however definatly with pvp

Do you have access to a working Microphone (Yes/No): yes

What language/s do you speak fluently?: english

Do you have any past leadership experiences (DOES NOT HAVE TO BE IN MINECRAFT): jr.leadershop class and i have a small discord server.

SCENARIOS (Assume you are a helper)

Scenario 1- You log onto the server and are immediatly bombarded with questions from users and a player is MSGing you stating that they just saw a 
default player flying, you are also being DMed on discord by Rebel about one of your recent bans, what do you do?  i will use split screen to see the dm and vansish to look at the flying person and answer the questions if possible

Scenario 2- You and a staff member are having a disagreement and they threaten to lie to a higher staff saying that you abused, This is during a VC call and you have no recording software running, what do you do? I will try to get them to calm down and if they dont i will leave vc and tell a higher staff about it

Scenario 3- You catch a developer abusing their powers and is killing users in creative mode, an admin sees it and is laughing and doing nothing about it, what would you do? i would screenshot and file a staff report but if it is severly harming the server i will temp ban them (like one hour) untill a higher up staff can come and help

Random Questions

What's your favorite color?: Blue

What's your gender?: male

What's your favorite animal?: Attack helicopter

What hogwarts house do you believe you reside in?: i havnt read harry poter sorry

What would you like to see added to RebelDupe?: abbilites/custom weopons

What do you dislike most about RebelDupe?: toxicity and crashes

What do you like the most about RebelDupe?: Im not exactly sure why i like it but i think its beacuse of the community, the staff team, and it being a random dupe server.



Any additional comments or concerns:I hope whoever is reading this has a great day

over 4 years ago
Staff Application

Basic Information


Minecraft Username:BoedyD (will be changed to GoldSlimeYT)

Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): GoldSlime#9959


Time Zone:EST

Why would you like to become mod on RebelDupe : I have loved the server for a while and i want to help out with the server and keep it clean

What activities do you have outside of videogames I.E Hobbies I dont have any other hobbies lol  

If you have applied before please list the Date of the last application, if not, put N/A: N/A

How Long Have You Been Playing RebelDupe?:S1 (might not be 100% accurate hower this was when minehut got 1.16)

What do you believe you are known for on the server I.E PvP Skills, Toxic Attitude, Kindess ETC: Not exactly sure however definatly with pvp

Do you have access to a working Microphone (Yes/No): yes

What language/s do you speak fluently?: english

Do you have any past leadership experiences (DOES NOT HAVE TO BE IN MINECRAFT): jr.leadershop class and i have a small discord server.

SCENARIOS (Assume you are a helper)

Scenario 1- You log onto the server and are immediatly bombarded with questions from users and a player is MSGing you stating that they just saw a 
default player flying, you are also being DMed on discord by Rebel about one of your recent bans, what do you do?   I would focus on the dm with rebel and when he is typing or after he is done i will check the player that is being reported

Scenario 2- You and a staff member are having a disagreement and they threaten to lie to a higher staff saying that you abused, This is during a VC call and you have no recording software running, what do you do? I will try to get them to calm down and if they dont i will leave vc and tell a higher staff about it

Scenario 3- You catch a developer abusing their powers and is killing users in creative mode, an admin sees it and is laughing and doing nothing about it, what would you do? temp ban for like an hour or untill a higher up staff can take it away

Random Questions

What's your favorite color?: Blue

What's your gender?: male

What's your favorite animal?: Attack helicopter

What hogwarts house do you believe you reside in?: i done read harry poter sorry

What would you like to see added to RebelDupe?: abbilites

What do you dislike most about RebelDupe?: toxicity and crashes

What do you like the most about RebelDupe?: Im not exactly sure why i like it but i think its beacuse of the community, the staff team, and it being a random dupe server.



Any additional comments or concerns:I hope whoever is reading this has a great day