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over 3 years ago
Ban Appeal

Username: CallumlousTV

Discord name and tag (ex. Butler#8846): CallumlousTV.exe#0789

Length of Ban: Perm

Reason for Ban: "Fag" is a word NOT allowed on this server!

Why you should feel you should be unbanned: why would you ban someone for saying a word that isn't allowed, of course you'd ban the N-Word, but "fag"? I think it's a perfectly acceptable word, if you use the Informal use of the word, "a chore". 

Proof to back up your claim: If you use the Informal version of the word, it's perfectly acceptable.

[Google link to the word]

Any comments or concerns: Why ban someone for the use of a disallowed word? The most that should happen is a mute, so I don't understand.