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over 4 years ago
Staff App

Name: Cheesey

Minecraft Username: CheeseyDubh

Discord name: Cheesey#1235

Age: 14 almost 15

Time Zone: UTC

Why i Would like to be staff: I would like to be staff on RebelMC because it seems like a really good server whith nice staff members, It is a popular server so  i can help make sure chat is okay and nobody is hacking while other staff are not online.

If i was helper: If i was a helper and i saw someone hacking, if i had perms to ban then i would warn them then ban them depending on what type of hack it is, if someone was spamming and i can mute then i would warn them then if they carry on, mute them, if there wasa bot spammer i was mute the chat (if possible) then find the main accounts and the bot source and mute then, unmute chat, kick the bots and ban the main account.

How active would i be: I would come on the server when i am not busy with school work so i would be able to fit in a good few hours a day.

Additional comments: I am nice/easy to talk to/understanding and i have a lot of experience as being staff. If the server uses Luck perms permission plugin then i will be able to use that (i am good with it). I hope you accept me for staff, i cant wait!!