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over 4 years ago
Staff Application for M0COIY (soon to be DaBlueCrafter)

Name: Ethan

Minecraft Username: M0COIY (formerly and soon to be DaBlueCrafter)

Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): Da Blue Guy#6951

Age: 13

Time Zone: GMT-4 Eastern Daylight Time

Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: I would like to assist people, catch hackers, make suggestions, etc.

Do you have any experience moderating: I have experience on my own server, but this is my first time being a moderator on a different server, so I will be grateful if I only receive Helper. I have also been given op on free op servers, and I learnt some stuff on there.

If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: If I see a hacker, tell him to turn off his hacks and warn him, if he persists, 1d ban. If he turns it on later, 2d ban. If he comes on again with hacks, permanent or 20d ban. If I see very inappropriate messages or anything disobeying chat rules, I will mute and clear chat accordingly (Toxicity - 1.5m mute, Racism - 5m mute + chat clear, etc.).

How active would you be on the server: 1-8 hours a day (1-3 on weekdays, and 4-8 on weekends usually)

Any additional comments or concerns: i hate bots