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over 4 years ago
my ban appeal

Denied, you may appeal in 52hrs again.

jk I saw yo mistake.


over 4 years ago
My staff app

Lack of information




over 4 years ago
Amee#0001 Staff application


1. You might need to write bit more in the "Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC".

2. I think a staff application should be serious, this isn't quite serious ''(take Oscar down tbh jkjk pls no kill me Oscar)".

3. Not a valid place to say this "and rebel I gotta thank you for opening this server it's all I play anymore and I love it".

4. In the place "How active can you be" this isn't the answer we want to hear,  I'm on I already have 4 bases thousands of blocks from spawn I'm a dedicated player and I know how to moderate in a place like this.

And 5th I won't judge you on this but you used way too much emojis.

Overall, I would have to give you a -1 just because it doesn't look professional to me, and there are few jokes in there, if you would like to get accepted, take it more seriously. A little tip from me go look at some other staff apps.


over 4 years ago
Staff App... AGAIN!

First look its too short- not a lot of detail if you ask me, and it's more bragging about joining the staff team again more then telling about you and telling your strengths and weaknesses. Overall can't give a -1 nor +1

over 4 years ago
Crownet's Staff Application

I would say this is way to short, make sure to check some of the other staff apps before applying. If adaxer replies you would have to wait 2 weeks here are some of the staff apps I could find: and I would say take a look for other staff apps that have been accepted.