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over 5 years ago
DeHaanBoys1's Builder Application


Name: DeHaanBoys1

Epic Nickname: Ender (I got lots more just msg me)

Discord Name (Include tag ex: Butler#8846) DehaanBoys1#0121

Age: 15 (3/4*)

Why would you like to become a builder on this server?I would want to become Builder, because my faviorat thing to do is build. I know I am not the best builder, I have seen people create full hunger games maps and churches with tons of details but, you can belive I can get the job done. I can buid anything if I know what it is, and think it out as I am building the structure. I also love to help staff and other players with questions that need to be answered. Are you multilingual? (Know more languages, not learning) * -No

How experienced are you?: I have had past experience on many servers I have been Helper-Owner. All of these servers were a big hit at some point, but like every server they die at some point, which they did.

Past builds (please submit through imgur, youtube collage (epic background music is required), or through Discord DM's: (Please Message me for my builds if you need them.)

If your application is accepted you will then have to participate in a building trial where you will be judged by one or more of staff! Do you consent to this notice?: Yes

Extra Information because why not! If a high rank abused I would first tell the Owner or a higher staff then him/she (abuser) to keep an eye on him. If no staff were on I would gather evedence and save it for when I can discord a staff. i wouldn't post it on discord because then he will know that I am doing it and I don't want to get assulted by the abuser. But if no one responds I will send it to the discord chat if really needed.

If there was a spammer I would give them 2 warnings before and if they kept going they would first get a 5 minute (5m) mute. If they were to disrespect a player I would then tell a staff to do something about it because I would not be able to. If the spammer kept going after the first warnign he/she would get a 10 minute (10m) mute. If they kept going so on it would be a 30 minute (30m) mute, 1 hour (1h) mute, then a 1 day (1d) mute. I would also log this on a book or something so I don't mess up.

Thanks For Reading!!!