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over 4 years ago
Staff Apps Reopened

Name: Javier

Minecraft Username: Fireblast73

Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): Fireblast73#0127

Age: 13

Time Zone: SGT

Why would you like to become mod on RebelDupe : I think i can help the server out by banning hackers and kicking or muting spam bots and toxic players.

What activities do you have outside of videogames I.E Hobbies: Anime/Hentai/Youtube

If you have applied before please list the Date of the last application, if not, put N/A: About July/August

How Long Have You Been Playing RebelDupe?: Since season 1

What do you believe you are known for on the server I.E PvP Skills, Toxic Attitude, Kindess ETC: Im a nobody actually lmao

Do you have access to a working Microphone (Yes/No): Yeah i do

What language/s do you speak fluently?: [English/Mandarin/Hokkien] I can also use google translate as a tool

over 4 years ago
Staff Apps Reopened

Name: Javier

Minecraft Username: Fireblast73

Discord Name:  Fireblast73#0127

Age: 13

Time Zone: SGT

Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: Because i wanna help

Do you have any experience moderating: Kinda

If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: Mute the person, if he's repeating the offence, ask for permission to kick or even ban him.

How active would you be on the server: I only can play on weekends

Any additional comments or concerns: N/A