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over 4 years ago
Helper Application

Name: Dylan


Minecraft Username: InfinitumWays


Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): CosmicWays#8103


Age: 16


Time Zone: MST


Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: The reason why I would like to become a Helper on RebelMC is because I would really like to help out with the communtiy and help the staff team with events and such. I would like to help the Owner with things and to help manage the server and keep it well!


Do you have any experience moderating: Yes, I use to own a server and I did help with other servers.


If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: With the hacker part I would see if they are hacking, if so then I would do a warn. If is serious, then I would do a ban. I would clean the chat if there is an exploit that is god to the server, and I would try my best to keep the chat clean.


How active would you be on the server: 8 Hours a day! Except when I am at work!


Any additional comments or concerns:

I like beef, cheese, and poptarts. Also, I like to play minecraft and People are awesome!