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over 4 years ago
Ban appeal

Name: Jonah

Username: Jonah896

Discord name and tag: FlemingsArise#9935

Length of Ban: Forever

Reason for Ban: Advertizing to multiple staff members

Why you should feel you should be unbanned: I was just inviting everyone in my friends list and there was a lot of staff there and I was not paying attention

Proof to back up your claim:  The discord message:  You were banned in RebelDupe!

Why? You were banned for DM advertising numerous staff members. When? On September 26, 2020 Who? RebelDupe Staff Member - Anonymous Note from Messenger: We all have ties to each other, don't think this goes unnoticed. You have 30 minutes before this account will block you.

Any comments or concerns: No but, I hope this is enough proof.


over 4 years ago

My Name is Jonah.

My minecraft username is Jonah896.

My discord is dawn of the Doves#9935

My age is 14

My time zone is Eastern Daylight Time.

I would like to become a mod on Rebelmc because I have never been a mod on a big server like rebelmc.  I also want to be a mod on the server because I want to be able to fly and make a giant base in the middle of nowhere.

And I do not have any experience moderating on a big server but I do own a small little server.  Thats why I would love to moderate on the server.

If I was given the helper rank, I would help, I would clean chat management Every, say 4 times a day.  And I would assist by   If someone needs help, say if soemone broke the rules and they reported them, But nothing happened in 4 days, I would help and try to get the rule breaking player to stop or if it is too severe, then I would turn it to Rebel773 or someone with a higher rank than me.

I will be on the server at least 4 hours a day.  It is rare that I would not be on the server, If I am not though, then I am probably busy doing something or on Vacation, Or at school.  So if you need to know anything else about what I've said so far, then tell me. I will be glad to reply.

And my additional comment is that I will be a relatively good moderator, I will follow every rule, I will not give anyone anything that is spawned by me, And I will be nice.  Thank you for reading this, This means a lot to me.  Hope I will talk to you later on rebelmc.