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over 4 years ago
Jrols Staff app

Name: Jrol

Minecraft Username :JrolEpic47

Discord Name (Include the numbersĀ Ex. Butler#8846): JrolEpic47#3540


Time Zone: pst

Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: i have seen way to many hackers and would like to help reducer the amount that there are at the moment. as i am typing this people are calling out a hacker and staff are doing nothing to help. i want to still play and i wont be a staff that doesent play the server, i would only stop what im doing if someone calles out a hacker.

Do you have any experience moderating: i have been staff on some minehut servers. i stopped playing those servers because the owner was very toxic and i have played here for a while and i like the owner mostly

If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management:i have been watching staff help in the chat before but nobody likes to help with hackers. i have a lot of time on my hands and i can make sure all hackers get banned by either me or a higher staff member. on a old server i played i was the position"chat manager" and i would moderate the chat and i didnt have any perms except /tempmute. so i can moderate chat very well

How active would you be on the server:as ative as i am today. so about 6 hours a day

Any additional comments or concerns: dm me if u have any other questions