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over 5 years ago
Staff Application: Loidox/Magix [2]

Name: Magix

Minecraft Username: Loidox

Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): Magix#1484

Age: 12

Time Zone: CST

Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: This server, honestly, is great. Its community is awesome! But the rule breakers are never cool. I want to diminish these rule breakers and I want to help the server improve. This is the best dupe server and I honestly want to make it top. (though i understand rebel doesn't take the server as serious as me)

Do you have any experience moderating: FirePvP (admin/manager), Idler (admin/mod), miningpvp9 (admin/mod), Jackson85 (manager/co-owner). Others were either never relevant or I've forgotten them. Side note: i have moderated /administrated tons of discord servers

If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: Hacker situation: I ask the reporters some questions like what hacks did you spot and if i can teleport to them to see what is up. If there is no admins/mods/managers online to fix it, i will resort to using Warns to ban them. Until then, i report it to the #staff-reports place. Clean chat management/spamming/advertisers, ect. Spamming: warn. Advertiser: Warn and tell a staff member to potentially ban if that's part of staff guidelines. Making sure people are being nice: If people are just being rude like saying your dumb and stuff I either give a warn if its bad (cursing and such) and just "nock it off" if honestly not too bad. If very bad stuff (nword/slurs/racist items), i will instantly report the best member i can and in #staff-reports.

How active would you be on the server: About every day (30m-2h+?)

Any additional comments or concerns:   I am very very sorry for my latest behavior and will work on making it better. This is a promise. I will improve. This is not like the other times I say it and I don't try. I will. Any problems with me please do tell me so i can improve

over 5 years ago
Staff Application: Loidox/Magix

Name: Magix

Minecraft Username: Loidox

Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): Magix#1484

Age: 12

Time Zone: CST

Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: I recently have gotten a huge liking to the community and the server concept and everything in general. I want the help it improve if the opportunity is there. Moreover I haven't moderated/administrated anything and want to help cool servers.

Do you have any experience moderating: Admin/Manager/Moderator; miningpvp9, FirePvP, Idler, (ect. Any other servers are either lost to time or forgoten or werent very relevant.)

If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: Hacker: If i have permissions, id go into gmsp and tp to them. If i see clear hacks, id either record or screenshot it. If permissions are they, ill ban them using the format established/given to me. If not, contact any staff possible to get the user their punishment. If bad language/spamming/racist slurs are in the chat, clear chat (if permissions are established) and mute/ban the user depending on the seriousenss of the situation and warning count.

How active would you be on the server: Almost everyday, unless something comes up.

Any additional comments or concerns: [none]