Name: Nicholas
Minecraft Username: NicholasSZL12
Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): nicholas#0816
Time Zone: UTC+8
Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: I want to help people and get rid of rule breakers / hackers as they make unpleasant experiences for players which i have gone through before.
Do you have any experience moderating: I am currently MOD on a server named Overlord Prisons which is under renovation right now and i was helper in another server named Rodion Network which i believe is down now as I can't seem to find the IP anymore.
If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: I would kick hackers and rule breakers mute spammers if applicable and warn/kick rule breakers but I would do warning only to rule breakers for about 2 times, and if continued, i will kick / tempban for 1 day
How active would you be on the server: abt 5 hours a day as i have school , but will try my best to meet timings server needs
Any additional comments or concerns:
Hope the server goes well and all :)