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over 4 years ago
OhPandaa's Helper/Mod Application

Hello everybody, this is my staff application for RebelMC I hope you enjoy.



Name:    Connor

Minecraft Username:     OhPandaa

Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846):   OhPandaa#8356.

Age:   15

Time Zone:     GMT+1

Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC:  I would like to become staff on RebelMC purely because I feel like I can do a lot to help the server and it's community, I love a healthy server community and for that to be a thing you have to have a strong staff team, ones that will dedicate time to talk and keep the community lively while also doing other tasks like finding cheaters/hackers or bug abusers or playing the game thereselves, being staff on a server isn't an 'easy' job, it's fun but it will never be easy it is about how you deal with situations and how you treat the server/community that matters with staff, I'd like to be staff because of how I do treat the community and how kind and helpful I am towards the community itself, which overall has a good impression on the server and the staff team.

Do you have any experience moderating: I have lots of experience staffing on servers, I was always on the Moderation side of servers as that is where I am strong, and that is helping the community like I mentioned above, I learned a lot from all these servers and I will tell you about some of the KEY skills I learned;


- I learned how to be more mature, being mature makes people listen to you and understand that you are being serious and taking your staff role seriously.


- Dealing with situations, with being staff on lots of servers I learned a lot which includes dealing with situations I know the punishments to give and the approach for them all, I know how to spot hackers/bug-abusers and I know how to keep the community happy and non-argumentive. 

If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: 

Hacker - If I found a hacker I'd get proof of this user hacking then I would ban the user for the set amount of time required, I'd make sure no one is effected by the hacker and log the ban and the proof with the time in the assigned discord channel.

Chat Issues - For chat you always have to make sure no one is arguing and it's clean as possible, if people are arguing it makes the server have a toxic player-base and new players don't want that, you always have to make sure arguments stay in /msg and chat is as clean as can be!

How active would you be on the server:   4 - 6 hours a day.

Any additional comments or concerns:


I don't currently have a microphone.


Thank you for taking your time to read my application, Panda!