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over 4 years ago
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over 4 years ago
I would like to apply

why did u ask that here 

over 4 years ago
I would like to apply

Your not even staff -_-

over 4 years ago
I would like to apply

Name: Kyle

Minecraft Username:  Riolupro

Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846):Riolupro#0416


Time Zone:PST

Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: I would like to help this server grow  and help eliminate hackers and also of course have fun.

Do you have any experience moderating: Yes

If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: If i could I would warn them if they keep doing it if I can I will ban or I will tell a mod.

How active would you be on the server: Im usually on most of the time, but I do have some classes, but they are only an hour. 

Any additional comments or concerns: Please think about this application Thanks :)