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over 4 years ago
New and Improved Staff Application

Hello, 0881 / cha 001. 

Your application has been approved. Lots of information and I've personally seen a lot of activity from you. Message me through discord for more information. Welcome to the staff team!





over 4 years ago
MrGoodBoy2004 Staff Application

Hello, MrGoodBoy2004.

Sadly your application has been denied for lack of detail. Try to add more information on your next application and to check for grammar mistakes regularly. Feel free to reapply in 2 weeks.





over 4 years ago
My Staff Application

Hello, Mxxnliqht.

Sadly your application has been denied. You have a good application which contains lots of information, but we cannot accept staff that are underage. 




over 4 years ago
RohangPvP's Staff Application

Name: Diego


Minecraft Username: RohangPvP


Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): King•Of•The•Dead#3009


Age: 15


Time Zone: EST


Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: I see RebelMC is a server with lots of potential and i think it could use another staff member with years of experience. I also fins this server fun, so in order to maintain a fun and safe environment, i would like to have the power to stop potential griefers, rulebreakers, racists, etc.


Do you have any experience moderating: I have 2 years of both Discord and Minecraft Moderation. My highest rank being Co-Owner of a server and an average moderator on each server i decide to staff on.


If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: If i spot the hacker, ill immediatly kick (Or ban if i have the perm). If i get lots of reports from people, claiming they are seeing this person hack, then i will investigate the case and activate spectator mode in order to catch them in the act. I cannot go solely on peoples words as people are corrupt. I will have to test it myself/


How active would you be on the server: I can play a few hours daily. This is during the afternoon and i can pull many allnighters. I usually play around 6-8 hours or more depending on the night and how much Coke i have (Coca-Cola)


Any additional comments or concerns: I have been staffing for over 2 years and have lots of experience dealing with irrational people. I also consider myself as having a lot of tolerance and can keep my chill in even the worst of situations. It would be great to adquire the rank of "Helper", but if i am not accepted, i will simply have to swallow it and continue playing as a productive member. Thank you for reading this and taking me into consideration. Have a good Night / Day / Afternoon / Evening