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over 4 years ago
Ban Appeal

Also I'm sorry for not adding this, I mentioned it alot of times that I'm a 2b2t Player So I know alot of MC Exploits. So don't be suprised in the screenshare if you see Cheat Clients. Just to add Also when using Paladin to see the latest time I used the autoclicker installed on my pc, I play other games that I use AUTOCLICKER On, which is not bannable btw (on those games.). E.G Case Clickers, etc. So I frequently open this.

But if you want external proof of me not using autoclicking for 20 CPS I can simply do a click speed test During the screenshare if i get one.

over 4 years ago
Ban Appeal

Name:  Smedge

Username: Smedgies

Discord name and tag ? Jesse#2593

Length of Ban: 5 Days

Reason for Ban: Autoclicking.

Why you should feel you should be unbanned: The ban was false and had no investigation to it, I never actually used an autoclicker. Before the Ban I asked is it 1.8 PVP And when they said yes I said the statement "Good" Because I click 18-20 Cps per second. Also the Admin who banned me wasn't bothered to screenshare. Cause Autoclicking isn't something that is just Exactly "Blatant" Cause all you can tell is that you see the Packets, I mean Atleast he should've given me a screenshare.

Proof to back up your claim: The footage I'll add I didn't have replay mod on at the time cause I was on schematica Fabric so I could Use it to build my base. This is the only clip I've recorded and not deleted that I had of gameplay sadly doesn't show much since the video was a report on a hacker on hypixel. but if you focus on my cps You can see I click 20 cps. I also play on lunar client with anti cheat ON. But if needed I will not deny to record another evidence of me pvp'ing.

Any comments or concer
Nothing much, Except next time before banning someone for autoclicking At-the most Please Screenshare the person as you can never tell if they ARE autoclicking or not.   

Proof : 
The video