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over 4 years ago
My Apply! 2

Name: Owain

Minecraft Username: Try_Hard_Ninja

Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): I don't have Discord but I'm mostly on

Age: 12 

Time Zone: UK

Why would you like to become mod on RebelDupe : So I can make sure the server is okay and to make sure there's no spammers

What activities do you have outside of videogames I.E Hobbies: playing rocket league and recording vids

If you have applied before please list the Date of the last application, if not, put N/A: like 1 hour ago but I didn't copy and paste because I couldnt

How Long Have You Been Playing RebelDupe?: like 1h or so

What do you believe you are known for on the server I.E PvP Skills, Toxic Attitude, Kindess ETC: i have kindness.

Do you have access to a working Microphone (Yes/No): Yes but i cant have discord till 2020 April 10.

What language/s do you speak fluently?: English

Do you have any past leadership experiences (DOES NOT HAVE TO BE IN MINECRAFT): Yes! i own my own server.

over 4 years ago
My Apply!

Name: Owain

Age: 12

Where I'm From United Kingdom

What can I do to make this server non-harass full: make sure no one is being bad and make sure no one is being abusive or if there are any spammers.

What I do when I'm bored:  I mostly build something in Minecraft to see if there's anything I can build that might be cool.

How many hours can you be on per day?: Mostly 4 to 6 hours per day.

Additional Information: I LOVE making ideas! I also am quite capable of building what I need to build.

will I be able to be contacted?: No, because I don't have discord BUT I'm getting it on April 10 2020 and I am mostly gonna be on to see if there's time, and I will be on Minehut all the time, 

Any special things about you?: I can moderate a server well and I can also build well.


FROM: Try_Hard_Ninja.