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over 4 years ago
Staff Application

Name: Max

Minecraft Name: YUNGTIMO

Age: 15

Time zone: london

Discord name: none, I dont have on

Why do You wanna Be Hired 

Hello,I just wanna be moderator, Because I Watched The community grow all the Way from Season 1, I've enjoyed playing, and for All that You do to your server, So its time For me To Help you, I wanna help the server by banning hackers, I am very familiar with hackers and how to tell the Difference between the innocent and the guilty, I'm also Experienced this because I have my own server and I am good at banning hackers, I never abuse anybody with my power, 

Experience moderating

Yes I have Moderated before on my server, I have an average to advanced experience 

What Would You Do with That Power

If I had a Staff Rank, I would firstly try to spot hacker, and make sure the players have fun by entertaining them at Spawn, I will Put My effort into this, I don't Abuse with the power I have (enchanting/fly/kick/ban/kit and more) I Will Make A HUGE inpact in the community, I Attract a lot of players in many ways.

Why Should We Choose You

Because I'm Trust Worthy, And Would Love The Job, Its been a great time playing, And I Wanna Do More than that by helping the server, And providing Great and fun ideas 

How active will You be

Everyday, Because I dont wanna miss the action


I would love To help You with staff and Server Management, I do listen to Instructions, I love your server :D

And support it very much,


Thank You