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over 4 years ago
_Cara_Fox_ Staff app.

Name: Maddy, Or Zoe Phillips (Call me Maddy, its what I'm used to ^^)

Minecraft Username:_Cara_Fox_

Discord Name:•Maddy•#3453


Time Zone: EST Or Eastern Standard time

Do you have any experience moderating: No, But I can learn the ropes very quickly. I tend to pick up things fairly quickly.

Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: It would be something for me to learn and add to my experiences so I can help out on other servers. I want to start helping out as mods and such on other servers. 

If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: Keeping the server safe and clean of any unwanted content, such as going through reports and seeing if they were correct.

How active would you be on the server: Pretty active, as of the quartine. Once it's over I'll be on at most 4 times a week. I tend to be more active online.

Any additional comments or concerns: I can help out with building if needed, as I am pretty good at it.