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over 4 years ago

Basic Information

Name: Ellis

Minecraft Username: __ellis (2 underscores)

Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): ellis✧#5927

Age: 13 nearly 14

Time Zone: BST

Why would you like to become mod on RebelDupe : To give players a better experience on the server without hackers and other rule breakers.

What activities do you have outside of videogames I.E Hobbies: I don't really have any hobbies other than gaming lol

If you have applied before please list the Date of the last application, if not, put N/A: N/A

How Long Have You Been Playing RebelDupe?: Like 6-7 days but i have around 30 hrs playtime (I would have more but i haven't been able to be on so much the past few days

What do you believe you are known for on the server I.E PvP Skills, Toxic Attitude, Kindess ETC: i mean idrk what others think of me but maybe my honesty? (i dont rlly like describing myself bc i'd be biased lol)

Do you have access to a working Microphone (Yes/No): No :/

What language/s do you speak fluently?: English (learning spanish/french At school but barely know anything lul)

Do you have any past leadership experiences (DOES NOT HAVE TO BE IN MINECRAFT): i mean ive been co owner in probably 15 or so hypixel housings if that counts lmao and I'd say i was pretty good at it

SCENARIOS (Assume you are a helper)

Scenario 1- You log onto the server and are immediatly bombarded with questions from users and a player is MSGing you stating that they just saw a 
default player flying, you are also being DMed on discord by Rebel about one of your recent bans, what do you do? Well i would try evaluate the situation and think of what's more important, so i would deal with the fly hacker first, then dm rebel and then answer everyone else

Scenario 2- You and a staff member are having a disagreement and they threaten to lie to a higher staff saying that you abused, This is during a VC call and you have no recording software running, what do you do? I would get a recording software up incase he says anything else so i can get atleast some of what he said on recording then i'd just have to state my case to the hrs and hope they believe me 

Scenario 3- You catch a developer abusing their powers and is killing users in creative mode, an admin sees it and is laughing and doing nothing about it, what would you do? Record proof and send to rebel or a hr

Random Questions

What's your favorite color?: purple

What's your gender?: male

What's your favorite animal?: i like lots of animals but im scared of them irl lmao, fav maybe red pandas 

What hogwarts house do you believe you reside in?: idk i dont watch harry potter

What would you like to see added to RebelDupe?: maybe an anticheat or atleast a system that warns if someones flying/hacking

What do you dislike most about RebelDupe?: New players begging for kits

What do you like the most about RebelDupe?: i like the boss system and custom items, i just believe there needs to be more of them, and maybe shortening boss time could be a bit more expensive

note: i have school starting soon