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over 4 years ago
edi0002's applycation

Name: Edi

Minecraft Username: edi0002

Discord Name: edi 002#2914

Age: 13

Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: Beacouse i think i can help peole with anything and tempban heckers.

Do you have any experience moderating: I do have experience moderating on MineHut small servers with 2/3 players. 

If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: I have seen many hackers and people abusing the system of the server to ruin spawn and if I get Helper I will help to reduce the amount of hackers/rule Breakers on the RebelDupe server. 

How active would you be on the server: I would be active 3/24 hours 

Any additional comments or concerns: I'm a good communicator with playes


over 4 years ago
Amee#0001 Staff application
