Name: dylan
Minecraft Username: hahayes_
Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): dylan~!#2232
Time Zone: CST - Central Daylight Time
Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: Because i have lots of experience catching hackers and i really like rebel dupe :)
Do you have any experience moderating: Yes lots. I have moderated and been admin and op on atleast 10 different minehut servers.
If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: I know basic commands such as /tempmute /mute and /ban and can spot a hacker or two. i can usally tell if they are, X-Raying (Yes i know this is not needed for this server just saying) Flight hacks, KillAura and also antikb :)
How active would you be on the server: 3 hours a day for most days of the week.
Any additional comments or concerns: No not really.