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over 4 years ago
my. Ban Apeal


Username: iantntworld

Discord name and tag : 34879123879 #5857

Length of Ban: 1 hr *at time of writeing

Reason for Ban: spawnkilling (to be specific, warning limit reached, spawnkilling x3)

Why you should feel you should be unbanned: 1: most of the people i killed were not full naked, they at least had some armer. 2: most where all eather hitting me, other people, or where placeing stuff everwhere. 3: i was banned for killing NAKEDS, as the banner said specificly. but they all where not full naked. 4: the guy that i started attacking that got me banned had a diamond chestplate and some other armer (acording to the mod/admin), he was also trying to steal stuff from anthor player who was takeing some drops a full netherite didnt want. he also hit 2 other people as well as the guy. then he ran and 3 others chased after him. so i shot him with my bow and then the mod banned me (and the bow didnt even KILL him). 

Proof to back up your claim: 3 people witnessd the guy try and steal stuff. if you check the inv of the people i killed most had armer. if you check combat logs then you will see most attacked me.







btw: sway was the one who banned me

over 4 years ago
ban apeal


Discord name and tag: 34879123879


Length of Ban: 5 days

Reason for Ban: cheating

Why you should feel you should be unbanned: SERVERALY resons. 1: ban did not state the cheat, 2:i was laging at the time, look at seconds 0.31 and around 0.14 seconds in fabremouses ban. 3rd: i might have been framed, look at frabremouses video at the part he says theres proff. anywon useing yt can put in sound affects such as a person clicking or a autoclicker being used, also notice that the only person who comented on his video is cybercake who is also on the discord said "Definitely autoclicker... now if only the staff were to do something about it..." and at the time of me posting this has only 1 like. the coment also only has 1 like. this gives me reson to belive that they are freinds who are trying to get me banned, why? idk why. 4: if my cps did go up, when my game kept freezeing (and i know this was a stupid thing i did) i just kept clicking my mouse alot cause i was kinda fresterated.

Proof to back up your claim:

look at secounds 14 and 31 in the video if you want to spot me lagging

Any comments or concerns: sound isent proff. anywon can play a recording of somewon useing a autoclicker.