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over 4 years ago
Mousey's Staff App

Name: mousey

Minecraft Username : mousey_03

Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): mousey#9897

Age: 17 (2003)

Time Zone: Central European Time

Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: I love the server but sadly enough minehut has big hacker problems. I'm looking to keep the server friendly and I'll do my best to rid the server off any hackers, spammers or overall toxic people. I play rebeldupe almost everyday and I have tons of friends on the server. I've been playing since season one and I don't have any intent to stop.

Do you have any experience moderating: I have loads of experience as a builder and if the oppurtuniy comes up I'd love to help on rebeldupe to. My experience in moderating is not as large though. I've been moderating a few minehut servers before but I wouldn't say I'm a veteran moderator.

If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: If people were talking in chat about hackers I would tp there in spectator investigate myself and then ban them if they are hacking. If people are being toxic in chat I would warn them, then kick them and then proceed with a ban if they don't stop.

How active would you be on the server: I play way too much like probably up to 10 hours a day. And because of my timezone I could help when a lot of the other mods are off.

Any additional comments or concerns: I'm looking to make the server better for the communitys sake and I would love to help. Also I'm good at following instructions so if you give me a clear instruction I'll proceed with it without questions.

//mousey :)