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over 4 years ago
my ban

i was already unbanned but ok , idk who did it

over 4 years ago
my ban


Username:stijnv10 and my alt peixerx1nerd

Discord name and tag stijnv14#4954

Length of Ban:perm (ip)

Reason for Ban:ban evading

Why you should feel you should be unbanned:im sorry for ban evading i should not have logged on a alt after getting banned for spam.

Proof to back up your claim:idk my ip?

Any comments or concerns: but there was a hacker and thats why i was spamming that staff should do somthing. then i got banned for spammin wich i find a bit stupid but ok.

over 4 years ago
stijnv10 ban appeal



Discord name and tag stijnv14#4954

Length of Ban:30d

Reason for Ban:8th warn

Why you should feel you should be unbanned:i mean the first warning i didnt even see(she just said it in chat) cause i wasnt looking at the chat and i thought she said it for the first time so said no as a joke and place 1 tnt and then she warned me i have been warned 8 time and some of them were kinda stupid for placing 1 crystal or when no one whas on (but staff) tnt jumping near spawn witch i feel arent that bad but ok so if i could get unbanned or reduced that would be very nice.

Proof to back up your claim:

Any comments or concerns:none

over 4 years ago
stijnv10 ban appeal

Name: stijn


Discord name and tag stijnv14#4954

Length of Ban:perm

Reason for Ban:hacking and then evading

Why you should feel you should be unbanned:

im sorry for hacking on the server i should not have done it and then go on an alt to ban avade i take full responsibility for my action it would be very nice if i could get an unban i will never break the rules again.

Proof to back up your claim: the mods eyes

Any comments or concerns:none