Name: aes.
Minecraft Username: aesthetitian.
Discord Name (Include the numbers Ex. Butler#8846): aes#1207.
Age: 16.
Time Zone: EST.
Why would you like to become mod on RebelMC: I want to help out on this server. I've seen lots of rule-breakers on this server and I would like to help stop those spammers, hackers, and exploiters. The only thing that those rule-breakers are doing is ruining our fun on your server. Not many people like it when they come across a rule-breaker.
Do you have any experience moderating: Nope.
If presented with the opportunity as a Helper how would you assist the server in hacker and clean chat management: If there was a hacker, I would either warn if non-malicious, and a 4-7 day ban if it was malicious. If there was a Spammer/Racist Person in the chat I would warn them but if they do it once more I would give them a 2hr mute.
How active would you be on the server: I would be active nearly every day for around 3-9 hours.
Any additional comments or concerns: Im scared.
Short but sweet! Good application
Hello, aes.
It's great that you took the time to write an application. You have a very good application and we are looking to teach new individuals. You are active on the server. Your application has been accepted. Welcome to the staff team. Contact me on discord for more information.
Currently a Moderator for the Rebel Server Chain!
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