Username: iantntworld
Discord name and tag : 34879123879 #5857
Length of Ban: 1 hr *at time of writeing
Reason for Ban: spawnkilling (to be specific, warning limit reached, spawnkilling x3)
Why you should feel you should be unbanned: 1: most of the people i killed were not full naked, they at least had some armer. 2: most where all eather hitting me, other people, or where placeing stuff everwhere. 3: i was banned for killing NAKEDS, as the banner said specificly. but they all where not full naked. 4: the guy that i started attacking that got me banned had a diamond chestplate and some other armer (acording to the mod/admin), he was also trying to steal stuff from anthor player who was takeing some drops a full netherite didnt want. he also hit 2 other people as well as the guy. then he ran and 3 others chased after him. so i shot him with my bow and then the mod banned me (and the bow didnt even KILL him).
Proof to back up your claim: 3 people witnessd the guy try and steal stuff. if you check the inv of the people i killed most had armer. if you check combat logs then you will see most attacked me.
btw: sway was the one who banned me